

LiveWorkWell helps leaders and teams flourish in work and life through resilience and wellbeing programmes. For more than 10 years, we have partnered with visionary organisations such as McKinsey & Company, The Times’s publisher News UK and the advertising giant Publicis so their best people can engage fully and sustainably in a fast-changing, always-on world.

As the focus on wellbeing in the workplace grows greater than ever, our training and coaching equip high-flyers to be resilient and agile in the face of uncertainty. Each programme is tailored to your aims, underpinned by wellbeing and organisational development, and its results are measured by independent research.

Susan Peacock

A Chartered Psychologist and mindfulness trainer with a background in global advertising, Susan Peacock founded LiveWorkWell in 2011 to help people be their best at work and in life in an increasingly uncertain, highly pressurised world.

She stands out for her ability to adapt resilience, mindfulness and wellbeing to the workplace. Long before resilience became a corporate buzzword, Susan has trained leaders and teams at top multinational companies and, through her partnerships (see below), at the UK Parliament and the European Commission. Through Oxford University's Mindfulness Foundation, she also co-delivers an advanced course on teaching mindfulness in the workplace.

Susan was invited to contribute to Britain’s first parliamentary enquiry on mindfulness and the book Mindfulness in the Workplace, telling the story of LiveWorkWell’s long-running programme at the advertising giant Publicis. Knight Frank estate agency won four UK Customer Experience Awards for programmes that included mindfulness and resilience training by LiveWorkWell.

Having spent the first 10 years of her career at international advertising agencies, Susan learnt how vital resilience is in fast-paced environments.  She became a Chartered Psychologist — now with about 20 years’ experience — and was responsible for the wellbeing of 15,000 people at the University of Surrey.

She also trained as a mindfulness teacher and organisational change consultant, and combines all this to help people work and live well.

Susan's accreditation

British Association for Mindfulness-based Approaches
International Mindfulness Teachers Association
Knowledgeable, passionate and approachable.HR director and training manager at News UK

Our partners

Awaris applies mindfulness, leadership development and systems thinking to help global firms excel. Susan has trained Awaris clients including at the UK Parliament, the European Commission and a winning Formula One team.

Part of the University of Oxford, the OMF is a world leader in mindfulness research. As an OMF associate, Susan co-presents a course for trainers on mindfulness in the workplace that has attracted people from around the world.

The eMindful platform delivers live online mindfulness classes to improve health and productivity at businesses including Nike, T-Mobile and Aetna. Susan is an instructor facilitating weekly sessions.

We train teams and individuals, in person or online. Get in touch to find the right programme for you.

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