Navigating the Seasons of Your Day: A Practical Exercise for Better Well-Being

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been reflecting on the different “seasons” of recovery and how we can better understand and navigate them in our daily lives. Dr. Dan Siegel’s concept of “Name it to Tame it” is a helpful reminder that naming our feelings and states of being makes them easier to manage. But it doesn’t stop there—what we do each day has a profound impact on our energy and resilience. Here’s a simple exercise I’ve shared in workshops that has helped many participants understand their day better and … Read More

The unnamed hero of resilience

Many of us have learnt how to put our foot down on the accelerator, but do we know how and when to take it off? Resilience is not about endurance but about building recovery time into busy working lives. Not only weekends and annual leave, but on a day-to-day basis. When I think back on my many valuable life lessons, one that didn’t seem to feature often was the importance of recovery time. As with exercise, there is a time to ‘dig deep’ and really stretch our limits but equally … Read More

The 5 keys to high-performing teams – found by Google

High-performing teams are the cornerstone of any successful organisation. The question is how to create great teams that do their best work.  Over 10 years ago, in 2012, Google set out to find the answer. Its seminal study on team performance is more relevant than ever in today’s world of constant change and remote work and was recently revisited with new insights. This Google project, named after the Greek philosopher Aristotle, researched the behaviours of over 200 teams.  Their research looked into how ‘real’ teams performed, looking at the qualities … Read More

Six sleep problems – and how to solve them


Sleep is the great untapped resource of our busy lives. Over the years, I have seen this in client after client through the FirstBeat heart-rate analytics I use — charting their stress peaks and recovery time in lifestyle coaching. Though sleep doesn’t add to your to-do list (no NutriBullet or fitness mat required) it can completely recharge you after even the most stressful day. New research constantly reveals why sleep, still largely a scientific mystery, is so vital to our wellbeing. It restores our brains and rests our bodies. If … Read More