What we did
LiveWorkWell has coached multiple high-flyers at BBH, a global advertising agency, to build resilience and navigate change. Each coaching programme was made up of six 90-minute sessions, spread over three to six months. They varied according to what suited each person and included stress recovery using Firstbeat heart rate monitoring, mindfulness, strengths coaching and psychometric testing.
What they said
‘The sessions have benefitted me enormously. Professionally I have more self-awareness when it comes to my stress levels and am able to control them before they get out of control. I also have more confidence and self-belief, which in itself helps to control the stress.’ – BBH coaching client
‘I think I have an even calmer demeanour than I had previously and more confidence to say what I think, manage conflict and not worry about things that I can’t control. In my personal life, I have fewer sleepless nights and weekends where all I think about is work.’ – BBH coaching client
‘[The Firstbeat heart rate assessment] has made me realise that there is not enough recovery time in a normal working day. I try and block out some time during the day to catch up with myself and have some quiet time. I am also trying to walk more.’ – BBH coaching client
‘The sessions have helped me confront certain issues and respond from a place of certainty. It’s unlocked the right decision.’ – BBH coaching client