Virtual programmes

Navigate this time of uncertainty with skill. As we switch to new ways of working, LiveWorkWell’s online resilience training helps you and your team to create an environment where you can thrive and effectively engage with change.

Online resilience workshop

A live digital workshop on remaining resilient in uncertain times. Whilst the shift to hybrid work serves many well, there are also challenges and the opportunity to re-establish habits that enable us to be effective and recharge.

This session looks at how we respond to threat, our need for structure and ways to weave in new habits.

A 60-90min live video conference or webinar, with Q&A chat and group work in breakout rooms.

One-to-one follow up

Following on from a resilience webinar, people can book a one-to-one live video call with LiveWorkWell’s Susan Peacock.

It is a chance to confidentially explore ways to deal with challenges which might include a sense of overwhelm; struggling to focus; navigating complex dynamics; sleep or finding ways to recover during busy days and weeks.

A day of bookable individual 50 min slots.

Our employees were struggling with the change to 100% remote. LiveWorkWell’s virtual resilience workshop was not only relevant and much needed, but also tailored to our business and delivered in Susan’s inimitable way which demystifies concepts and immediately builds trust. The follow-up one-to-ones had sensational feedback.Head of Wellbeing, Simply Business

Online resilience and wellbeing programme

This six-week course addresses the realities of living with heightened uncertainty. We discuss ways of adapting skilfully to remote working, how to recharge during busy days, the importance of boundaries and the value of real connection with colleagues. The benefits impact both work and personal life. Sessions cover:

  • Weaving resilience and mindfulness into your day
  • Connection, kindness and compassion
  • Awareness: working skilfully with assumptions
  • Stress: good or bad? How this links with anxiety
  • Thoughts are not facts – the power of your mind
  • The 1% factor: embedding good habits

Six 60-90min live video conferencing sessions over six weeks, designed, so people can attend each one separately or sign up for the programme as a whole. To follow up, a one-to-one virtual coaching session can help each person to build the changes into their lives.

As a partner of the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, Susan co-presented this one-hour global session on how to apply mindfulness for IBM's P-Tech educational programme.

We train teams and individuals, in person or online. Get in touch to find the right programme for you.

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